1 |
The Statistical Creative Framework in Descriptive Statistics Activities |
International Journal of Instruction |
/-/2021 |
2 |
Development of Instrument Numeracy Skills Test of Minimum Competency Assessment (MCA) in Indonesia |
International Journal of Instruction |
/-/2022 |
3 |
Characteristics of Prospective Mathematics Teachersâ Problem Solving in Metacognitive Awareness: Absolute Value Problems of Calculus Courses |
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice |
/-/2023 |
4 |
Characteristics of Differentiated Mathematical Creative Models in Problem-Solving Activities: Case of Middle School Students |
Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal |
/-/2023 |
5 |
Web-Based Window Shopping: A Learning Model in High School's Mathematics Curriculum |
TEM Journal |
/-/2024 |
6 |
Failure in Constructing the Mathematical Model in Real-World Problems |
TEM Journal |
/-/2024 |
7 |
The development of algebra teaching materials to foster students’ creative thinking skills in higher education |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1088 (1), 012101, 2018 |
/-/2018 |
8 |
& Fonna, M.(2018, September). The development of algebra teaching materials to foster students’ creative thinking skills in higher education |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1088 (1), 012101, 2018 |
/-/2018 |
9 |
Fleksibilitas berpikir relasional siswa: Studi kasus siswa kelas 7 di SMPIT Permata dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika |
Jurnal Ilmiah Pro Guru 6 (3), 2020 |
/-/2020 |
10 |
Simulasi Numerik Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Batubara (Fineness) Terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Pada Sistem Pulverized Coal Sub-Critical Boiler Kapasitas 600 MW |
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2020 |
/-/2020 |
11 |
Gifted students in solving HOTS mathematical problems |
AIP Conference Proceedings 2330 (1), 2021 |
/-/2021 |
12 |
Desain Tugas Numerasi Melalui Pengembangan Instrumen Asesmen |
/-/2021 |
13 |
The Statistical Creative Framework in Descriptive Statistics Activities |
International Journal of Instruction 14 (2), 591-608, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
14 |
Mapping Prior Knowledge Middle Students in Solving Arithmatics Problems |
Logaritma: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pendidikan dan Sains 10 (2), 165-180, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
15 |
Development of instrument numeracy skills test of minimum competency assessment (MCA) in Indonesia |
International Journal of Instruction 15 (3), 635-648, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
16 |
Model kreatif Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Matematis |
Universitas Negeri Malang, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
17 |
Pendekatan Pembelajaran Matematika "Soft Teaching Mathematics" |
/-/2023 |
18 |
Mathematical creative processing abilities of junior high school students’ in numeracy tasks |
AIP Conference Proceedings 2569 (1), 2023 |
/-/2023 |
19 |
Characteristics of Prospective Mathematics Teachers' Problem Solving in Metacognitive Awareness: Absolute Value Problems of Calculus Courses. |
Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 23 (11), 2023 |
/-/2023 |
20 |
Characteristics of Students' Metacognitive Ability in Solving Problems using Awareness, Regulation and Evaluation Components |
Jurnal Didaktik Matematika 10 (1), 48-62, 2023 |
/-/2023 |
21 |
Tes Penalaran Kovariasional Representasi Numerik |
/-/2023 |
22 |
Students’ numeracy skills in solving numeracy tasks: Analysis of students of junior high schools |
AIP Conference Proceedings 2569 (1), 2023 |
/-/2023 |
23 |
Characteristics of Differentiated Mathematical Creative Models in Problem-Solving Activities: Case of Middle School Students |
Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal 15 (5), 157-176, 2023 |
/-/2023 |
24 |
Characteristics of Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Problem Solving in Metacognitive Awareness: Absolute Value Problems of Calculus Courses |
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 23 (11), 2023 |
/-/2023 |
25 |
Failure in Constructing the Mathematical Model in Real-World Problems |
education 7, 8, 2024 |
/-/2024 |
26 |
Web-Based Window Shopping: A Learning Model in High School's Mathematics Curriculum. |
TEM Journal 13 (1), 2024 |
/-/2024 |
27 |
Web-Based Window Shopping: A Learning Model in High School's Mathematics Curriculum |
/-/2024 |