Ibnu Febry Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.Sc.

Ibnu Febry Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.Sc., lahir di Madiun pada tanggal 18-02-1988 adalah dosen di Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Dalam 1 tahun terakhir, mengampu 7 matakuliah. Sudah melakukan pengabdian sebanyak 1. Sudah mempublikasi Artikel Ilmiah dalam jurnal sebanyak 22. Menjadi pemakalah seminar ilmiah sebanyak 6.

Identitas Diri

Riwayat Pendidikan

S1 S2
Nama Perguruan Tinggi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Bidang Ilmu Teknik Informatika Computer Science
Tahun Masuk-Lulus 2006 - 2010 2011 - 2013
Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Implementasi Pemantauan Simpul-simpul Jaringan Dengan Protokol SNMP Menggunakan Python-Fuse A Study on Cloud-based Dynamic Group Formation Problem
Nama Pembimbing/Promotor Wahyu Suadi, S.Kom., M.Kom. Prof. Ge-Ming Chiu

Mata Kuliah yang Diampu

No. Mata Kuliah
1 Arsitektur dan Sistem Komputer
2 Arsitektur Komputer dan Sistem Operasi
3 Data Warehouse dan Komputasi Terdistribusi
4 Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer
5 Keamanan dan Integritas Data
6 Komputasi Berbasis Jaringan
7 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

Data Penelitian Dari Sim Litabmas

No. Tahun Judul Sumber Dana

Data Penelitian Dari Non Litabmas

No. Tahun Judul Sumber Dana
2 2024 Deteksi Gempa Berdasarkan Sinyal Seismik Menggunakan Machine Learning
3 2024 Semantic Segmentation of Post-Disaster Area on Remote Sensing Video from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) using Super Resolution and Deep Transfer Learning DeepLabV3 Model

Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Sumber Pendanaan
1 2024 Pelatihan Informatika untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru SMA dan SMK di Surabaya

Publikasi Jurnal

No Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/Nomor/Tahun
1 Interactive learning experience-driven smart communications networks for cognitive load management in grammar learning context IEEE Access 7 /-/2019
2 MATT: A Mobile Assisted Tense Tool for Flexible m-Grammar Learning Based on Cloud-Fog-Edge Collaborative Networking IEEE Access 8 /-/2020
3 A scalable hybrid MAC strategy for traffic-differentiated IoT-enabled intra-vehicular networks Computer Communications 157 /-/2020
4 IoT-Enabled Light Intensity-Controlled Seamless Highway Lighting System IEEE Systems Journal 15 /-/2021
5 Mobile computing and communications-driven fog-assisted disaster evacuation techniques for context-aware guidance support: A survey Computer Communications 179 /-/2021
6 Wall Crack Multiclass Classification: Expertise-Based Dataset Construction and Learning Algorithms Performance Comparison Buildings 12 /-/2022
7 Imbalanced learning of remotely sensed data for bioenergy source identification in a forest in the Wallacea region of Indonesia Remote Sensing Letters 14 /-/2023
8 A Study on Cloud-based Dynamic Group Formation Problem National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, 2013 - /-/2013
9 Uji Performa Fitur Penyeimbang Beban pada Aplikasi Reverse Proxy Journal Information Engineering and Educational Technology) ISSN 2549, 869X, 2017 - /-/2017
10 Performance Evaluation of History-Based and Priority-Based MAC for Traffic-Differentiated Intra-Vehicular Network 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th …, 2018 - /-/2018
11 Assessing Computational Thinking using Pseudocode Programming Instrument International Conference on Indonesian Technical Vocational Education and …, 2018 - /-/2018
12 Multiple Sensing Application on Wireless Sensor Network Simulation using NS3 Mathematics, Informatics, Science and Education International Conference …, 2018 - /-/2018
13 Implementasi Multichain sebagai Alternatif Solusi Keamanan dan Privasi Data pada Komunikasi Perangkat Pintar Rumah Journal of Informatics and Computer Science (JINACS) 1 (02), 115-121, 2019 - /-/2019
14 Immune Genetic Algorithm Optimization and Integration of Logistics Network Terminal Resources 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC), 435-436, 2019 - /-/2019
15 Interactive Learning Experience-Driven Smart Communications Networks for Cognitive Load Management in Grammar Learning Context IEEE Access 7, 64545-64557, 2019 - /-/2019
16 MATT: A Mobile Assisted Tense Tool for Flexible m-Grammar Learning Based on Cloud-Fog-Edge Collaborative Networking IEEE Access 8, 66074-66084, 2020 - /-/2020
17 IoT-enabled light intensity-controlled seamless highway lighting system IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 46-55, 2020 - /-/2020
18 Energy Optimization on Joint Task Computation Using Genetic Algorithm 2020 Emerging Technology in Computing, Communication and Electronics (ETCCE …, 2020 - /-/2020
19 A scalable hybrid MAC strategy for traffic-differentiated IoT-enabled intra-vehicular networks Computer Communications 157, 320-328, 2020 - /-/2020
20 Mobile computing and communications-driven fog-assisted disaster evacuation techniques for context-aware guidance support: A survey Computer Communications 179, 195-216, 2021 - /-/2021
21 Wall crack multiclass classification: Expertise-based dataset construction and learning algorithms performance comparison Buildings 12 (12), 2135, 2022 - /-/2022
22 Imbalanced learning of remotely sensed data for bioenergy source identification in a forest in the Wallacea region of Indonesia Remote Sensing Letters 14 (11), 1117-1128, 2023 - /-/2023

Karya Buku

No Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Halaman Penerbit

Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah

No Nama Temu ilmiah / Seminar Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Tempat
1 Journal of Physics: Conference Series Multiple Sensing Application on Wireless Sensor Network Simulation using NS3 2018
2 Proceedings - IEEE 16th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, IEEE Performance evaluation of history-based and priority-based MAC for traffic-differentiated intra-vehicular network 2018
3 Proceedings - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing, IRC 2019 Immune Genetic Algorithm Optimization and Integration of Logistics Network Terminal Resources 2019
4 ETCCE 2020 - International Conference on Emerging Technology in Computing, Communication and Electro Energy Optimization on Joint Task Computation Using Genetic Algorithm 2020
5 IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON Lesson Learned and Future Design of IEC 61850 Based Digital Bay in Central Java Substations 2021
6 Proceedings - 2022 8th International Conference on Information Management, ICIM 2022 Large-scale Tree Detection through UAV-based Remote Sensing in Indonesia: Wallacea Case Study 2022

Hak Karya Ilmiah

No Judul/Tema HKI Tahun Jenis Nomor