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Cybergogy as a digital media to facilitate the learning style of millennial college students |
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues |
/-/2021 |
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Program Pasuruan Sebagai Kota Layak Anak (Studi Kasus Penguatan Hak Anak Sebagai Wujud Pembangunan Daerah) |
SKRIPSI Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah-Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UM, 2017 |
/-/2017 |
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RAKAI LANGIT: Inovasi Produk Buku Cerita Berbasis Program Augmented Reality dengan Tema dan Ilustrasi yang Mengangkat Nilai Kearifan Lokal |
ID Patent EC00,201,703,061, 2017 |
/-/2017 |
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World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues |
/-/2018 |
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Strategi Pendampingan Anak Korban Kekerasan dalam Perspektif Dukungan Sosial (Studi Kasus di Kota Pasuruan) |
TESIS Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah-Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UM, 2019 |
/-/2019 |
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The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality-Based Board Game as Learning Media in Comprehending Family Functions Concept |
2020 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), 102-108, 2020 |
/-/2020 |
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Supported Model for Educational Awareness in the Low-Income Families |
1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITEÂ …, 2020 |
/-/2020 |
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Analysis of The Needs of Parents in Mentoring Early Childhood during Learning from Home |
2nd Early Childhood and Primary Childhood Education (ECPE 2020), 223-229, 2020 |
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Generation Z Career Identity Formation Through Guidance and Counselling Services |
Bisma the Journal of Counseling 5 (2), 156-163, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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The Effect of Community Empowerment Strategies in Tourism Village Development on Community-Based Learning |
KnE Social Sciences, 143–155-143–155, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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Pelatihan Creative Parenting dan Pembuatan APE Mandiri bagi Orang Tua Muda di Kecamatan Bendo Magetan |
E-Dimas (Educations-Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) 12 (3), 545-551, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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The Effectiveness of RADEC as a Distance Learning Model to Improve the Understanding of Class XI SHS Students on Dynamic Fluid Materials |
The 2nd International Conference On Intelectuals Global Responsibility 1 (2021), 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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Pendampingan Penyusunan Dokumen KTSP Pendidikan Kebencanaan dalam Tema Pembelajaran di Satuan PAUD Kabupaten Nganjuk |
Community Development Journal 2 (3), 777-784, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues |
World 13 (2), 160-177, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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Cybergogy as a Digital Media to Facilitate The Learning Style of Millennial College Students |
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues (WJET) 13 (2), 223-235, 2021 |
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Strategi Pendampingan Sebagai Upaya Pemenuhan Hak Anak Korban Kekerasan di Kota Pasuruan |
Jurnal Pendidikan Nonformal 16 (1), 34-46, 2021 |
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The Role of Social Workers in Empowering Socioeconomic Women in the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic |
5th International Conference on Arts Language and Culture (ICALC 2020), 61-68, 2021 |
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Self-Management Strategies Bagi Santri di SMA Tebuireng Jombang |
Community Development Journal 2 (3), 1087-1095, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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The Levels of Empowerment of Forest Farmer Group in Coastal Village Development in South Malang, Indonesian |
Development, Social Change and Environmental Sustainability, 132-135, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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Development of Friction Force Quiz (F2Q) to Support Learning Evaluation on Friction Force Material in Class X SHS |
Proceedings of The 6th Asia-Pacific Education And Science Conference, AECon …, 2021 |
/-/2021 |
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The Levels of Eempowerment of Forest Farmer Group in Coastal Village Development in South Malang, Indonesian |
Development, Social Change and Environmental Sustainability, 132-135 |
/-/2021 |
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Pelatihan Guru Dan Orang Tua Siswa Sebagai Pendamping Kelas Siswa Difabel |
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (3), 2020-2030, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
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The Effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) as a Learner Self-Service-based Platform in Community Learning Center (CLC) |
2022 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Education …, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
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Analysis of Principal’s Leadership at Unesa Lab School |
Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan 8 (1), 37-48, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
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Readiness of Parents in Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Children's Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic |
Journal of Nonformal Education 8 (2), 2022 |
/-/2022 |
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Peningkatan Kapasitas Karang Taruna Desa Temu melalui Design Thinking Process |
Community Development Journal 3 (3), 2107-2116, 2022 |
/-/2022 |
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Analysis of School Climate in the Unesa School Lab |
Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan 9 (01), 17-26, 2023 |
/-/2023 |
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Presentation: The Effectiveness Of RADEC As A Distance Learning Model To Improve The Understanding Of Senior High School Students On Dynamic Fluid Materials |
/-/2023 |
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Implementasi Komunikasi Positif dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Anak Usia Dini |
Jurnal Obsesi : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 7 (4), 4791-4802, 2023 |
/-/2023 |